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92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

Our Mission

  • To improve global health starting from the rural areas of Africa and South America by providing free healthcare services. We bring care to rural populations who have a disproportionate burden of ill health, provide free medical services like screenings, medications, reading glasses, and dental care.
  • To raise funds for assistance to patients to help offset the cost of medical treatment.
  • To educate the rural communities on healthy living and health management.

What we do

Many people in Africa and South America today die each year due to preventable and treatable chronic diseases, lack of health resources, and easy access to care or inability to afford cost of care.

The goal of KAF is to visit all rural areas of Africa and  South America with the Good News of Jesus through the Mandate of God for the Foundation which is the provision of free healthcare services and supplies to  underprivileged populations in these Continents.

We will be travelling to the Continent of Africa and South America to organizing free medical outreaches and crusades in identified rural communities in these locations. KAF will also be partnering with local hospitals and health centers  for medical cases that require medical attention. 

charity Program

Keep Track of Our Annual Charity Program

Don’t miss out on the kafmission movement, here’s what we have done so far

ANNUAL OUTREACHOutreaches to various parts of Nigeria, Kenya and Sudan
donation collectionYour donations are well documented, there's no need to worry

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